Public Procurement Analysis


A Practical Guide to Public Procurement

Abby Semple
Oxford University Press (2015)


Living Wages in Public Contracts: Impact of the RegioPost Judgment and the Proposed Revisions to the Posted Workers Directive
Chapter in Sanchez-Graells, Smart Public Procurement and Labour Standards, Hart Publishing, 2018

Socially Responsible Procurement under EU Law and International Trade Agreements
3/17 European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review

The Link to the Subject-matter: A Glass Ceiling for Sustainable Public Contracts?
Sustainable Procurement under EU Law, 2016, Cambridge University Press

Classification, Conflicts of Interest and Change of Contractor
2015 European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, with M. Andrecka

Green Procurement Guidance for the Public Sector
2014, Irish Environmental Protection Agency, co-author with RPS and Achilles

Guidance for public authorities on public procurement of innovation
2014, PPI Platform consortium, primary author with additional contributions)

Buying Green: a Handbook on Environmental Public Procurement
2011, 2nd ed., and 2014, 3rd ed. European Commission Services, co-author

‘Incomplete’ procurement report fails to consider the frontline
July 2013, Guardian Professional

PPP Health Check: Managing Partnerships During their Lifetime and Financing Sustainable PPPs
2013, IISD Geneva, co-author with Laura Turley

Energy-efficient Public Procurement: Best Practice in Program Delivery
Clean Energy Ministerial, 2013, co-author with C. Payne and A. Weber

Mixed offerings for sustainability in new EU Procurement Directives
Public Procurement Law Review 2012

Feasibility study on future EU support to public procurement of innovation
2011, co-author with University of Manchester, Corvers and Technopolis

Submission in response to the Consultation on Modernisation of EU Public Procurement Policy
2011, ICLEI European Secretariat, primary author

Financing and contracting sustainable construction: Innovative approaches
2011, preliminary report on behalf of SCI-Network working group

Blogs on Procurement Insights

Commentary on RegioPost Case
October and November 2015

Public-Public and Public-Private Cooperation: Do the EU rules add up?
Teckal, Hamburg and Shared Services, October 2012

Commentary on Council Draft of the Directive and SPP
July 2012

Reform of the EU Procurement Directives and WTO GPA: Forward steps for sustainability?
Book chapter, Charting a Course in Public Procurement Innovation and Knowledge Sharing, 2012, Boca Raton: PrAcademics Press

Grounds for change: ECJ judgment in Dutch coffee case (C-368/10)
May 2012

Procuring innovation – Will the new directives help?
May 2012

Specifying production processes and methods in tenders
April 2012

The role of environmental and social labels in procurement
March 2012

Mixed offerings for sustainability in proposed EU procurement directives
Version of article appearing in the Public Procurement Law Review, April 2012